Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Brawl on the Playground

Today will forever be known as that day Nichole and I almost got beat up on the playground. Here's why- The weather was so nice out today Nichole and I decided to take all 5 of our combined kids to the park for a picnic and a little cousin play date. To our dismay it turned into a little more than just that. We got there, had a wonderful time eating our sack lunches, the kids played on the swings and the slides. It was great until.... uh oh, my 4 year old nephew threw sand at some boy. Not a big deal. The situation was diffused, he was punished, the kid was just fine. A little while later a couple older brothers and the dad of the boy start (very loudly) talking about how they want to beat my nephews face in. Yeah, very inappropriate! A grown man and two teenage boys talking about beating up a 4 year old. Later on my sweet little niece wandered over to go play with that same boy and I guess (I didn't see it but I guess she threw sand at him too). Ok, still not a big deal. Two different kids who did a bad thing, both got punished for it and once again the boy (who was like 7 BTW and could totally take care of himself) was just fine and everything was good again, right..... wrong! In fact I've never been so wrong. The father of this kid who is probably about 3-4 times our combined weight comes over to us screaming every naughty word you can think of, and not just for us to hear but for every man, woman and child to hear within like 100 yards of the playground. I'll admit I was a little scared but more pissed. The guy obviously had a problem. A much better solution would have been just to calmly and rationally come over to us and explain his issues but no, instead he acted like the 4 year old and yelled and screamed. Anyway, by that point I was so fired up and full of adrenaline I think if I had to I could have lifted a car (a Geo Metro at the very least). I had no idea I had so much fighting power in me. Don't worry I didn't challenge the guy or anything but trust me when I say I was ready to. The guy, after totally cussing us out and not letting us get a single word in finally packed up his kids and left. It took me like an hour to finally calm my nerves down. What a jerk! I could not believe it. I have never been treated like that in my entire life. How could a grown man get so out of control that he would use such obscene language in front of young children and threaten 2 obviously innocent mothers. In my opinion what he did was far worse for his kid then what my 2 year old niece did to him. I can only image this kids home life. Anyway, I'm still just a little fired up. Tomorrow, Nichole and I will probably have a good laugh about the whole thing but I thought until then it might help to just get it off my chest.


  1. Go get em Amber, thats my girl.
    (Its a good thing you didnt, I think you would have hurt him.)

  2. wOW what an idiot. that reminds me of a ladie that spanked Porter when we were playing at the playground last summer. People just loose there cool. it makes you wonder what there like at home when they act like that in front of people.

  3. I'm sorry Amber, but I can't picture ANYBODY getting you riled up! I would pay money to see it though:) Everybody knows I would have boxed that man!!

  4. You go girl. I'm sorry I missed that one. I would have paid to see you get fired up. WOW. I know how you feel thought that kind of stuff seems to happen to me all the time.

  5. I think he sounds justified. J/K of course.

  6. That reminds me of that lady that chewed me out in the parking lot because the kids weren't getting out of her way fast enough. She screamed "QUIT BREEDING!!!" Psycho. There are many of those people around. Watch out.

  7. Which park did you go to?! I've had that sort of thing happen to me too, but it was a crazy mom out in front of the school at pick up time. Luckily, I kept my cool and made her look stupid but my blood was BOILING.

    BTW, next time that happens call me quicklike on my celly and I will come beat somebody up. I know karate and stuff.
